
What is the A Crecer Study?


Between November 2015- March 2017, A Crecer staff enrolled 599 8th graders from four public middle schools from Salinas Union High School District for the first phase of A Crecer. Almost all participants continued to participate throughout the study, with 92% completing the two-year follow-up visit. In extending this study, we are seeking to re-engage with this group to continue interviewing and integrate testing for STIs (chlamydia and gonorrhea in all participants) and pregnancy (in participants who can get pregnant). This information will help us continue to understand the influences on sexual health.

  • Participants will receive results of the tests and be referred for health services, as appropriate.

  • Research team members are carefully trained to work with youth while conducting research activities, including interviews.



8th graders enrolled


completion rate

Formative Virtual Focus Group Discussions


In launching A Crecer’s new phase, we contacted previous participants to join us for a virtual focus group discussion to help us plan for this study’s next phase. Through the discussions, participants shared their views and input on the following topics:

  • How the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected youth in Salinas, including school and post-high school plans.

  • Our current study plans with input on the different study procedures as well as how to make it easy and interesting to participate.

  • Thoughts about different ways we might hold study visits (in-person, Zoom, telephone), including barriers and facilitators to participating.

  • Communication strategies and ways to re-engage with youth from the study.


Research Activities for Phase 2:


The discussions with Phase 1 participants in these focus groups provided valuable information for shaping the design of Phase 2.

Participants will complete 1 visit annually (1 at enrollment and 2 annual follow-up visits, for 3 total study visits). Each visit involves completion of a survey along with STI and pregnancy testing. A sub-group of participants will be invited to complete in an in-depth, conversation-style interview.

Visits will take place either at the main study office, a private community-based location agreed upon by staff and a participant, via telephone, or virtually over video conference software (e.g., Zoom).

For participants who have moved from Salinas and reside within a ~1-hour drive of the community, we will attempt to arrange in-person visits at their home or another location where privacy can be achieved. Virtual interviews may be conducted via telephone or video conference software (e.g., Zoom) with any participant who has moved further and does not routinely return to Salinas or who prefers a virtual visit for another appropriate reason.


Resource Guide and Incentives


All participants will receive a general referral guide that describes youth-focused resources in Salinas. The guide also offers online resources for those who live in other communities in California or nationally.

Participants will receive an incentive for their time. Incentive amounts will be $40 at visits 1 and 2 and $50 at visit 3. Participants who complete an in-depth interview will receive a $40 incentive. A study staff member will provide the participant with cash or a gift card.


Participant Privacy and Safety


All activities have been designed to respect the privacy and safety of youth. The study goals and procedures were reviewed by a national panel of scientists at the National Institutes of Health before approving the study and providing funding. In addition, the study has received a thorough ethics review and was approved by the Institutional Review Board at RTI International. The review closely assessed the potential benefits and risks of the study as well as the protection of privacy. Our team will follow all these approved procedures in implementing the study.